How long should your hair be to get the best results?
Your body hair should be at least a quarter of an inch long prior to waxing.
What skincare can I not use if I plan to wax?
It is crucial to pay close attention the ingredients in your skincare products prior to waxing. If you're using Retin-A, topical acne creams, or glycolic or fruit-based acids (AHAs), stop using those products for two weeks before waxing.
The following products are exfoliants and should not be used for at least two weeks before waxing:
Acne medications, alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic), oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics, retinol, salicylic acids, niacinamide, or any acid-based products or exfoliants.
Severe exfoliants weaken the skin, leaving it more vulnerable to lifting and waxing.
What if I have sensitive skin?
No Mo-Stache offers post-wax aloe cream to help soothe your skin after being waxed. Apply it to the waxed area for a few days to reduce any irritation. If you need a waxing alternative, try our Facial Razor.
I missed a spot waxing. What should I do?
If you missed a spot, wait 24 hrs between wax sessions to let your skin recouperate before you wax again.
Can't wait 24 hrs?
Our mini tweezers and Facial Razor are great for sweeping up strays without the wait.

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